Co-Presiding Prelate & Metropolitan Archbishop
The Most Rev. Dr. Saundra V. Baylor

Co-Presiding Prelate &
Metropolitan Archbishop of the Eastern Province of the Americas
Dr. Saundra V. Baylor
Archbishop Dr. Saundra Baylor has served faithfully in the church for over fifty years. She is the CEO and founder of Word Faith and Life International Inc. (W.F.I.L), a growing non-denominational, multi-cultural, and multi-racial international organization with strong ties to communities worldwide. She is also the founding leader of Emmanuel Global Alliance of Churches and Ministries, as well as Saundra Baylor Ministries Inc. Additionally, she serves as the Co-Presider of United Ecumenical Communion of Christ and is the Metropolitan Archbishop for the Archdiocese of Florida. Dr. Baylor holds certifications in counseling, chaplaincy, and life coaching, and has earned numerous certificates and degrees in leadership, accounting, and data processing.
A family woman who resides in Florida, she is a mother of two adult children and grandmother of one.
Originally from Jamaica but now a citizen of the United States, Dr. Baylor travels globally to teach and preach the gospel, deliver those who are oppressed, and educate others about God's powerful word. Her impact reaches individuals from all walks of life, with a focus on promoting wholeness in mind, soul, and body. She began her ministry at just 9 years old under the guidance of the 12th Street Church of God in Kingston, Jamaica. By age 12, she was conducting street meetings throughout the island.
Over many years as a preacher, Dr. Baylor has traveled extensively around the world. She firmly believes in making a difference through sharing the gospel, shaping vision through leadership, and influencing society by publicly testifying to her faith. Known for her leadership abilities, integrity, and compassion, she serves as a counselor and advisor to numerous leaders within both religious and secular realms. Driven by her love for younger generations, she takes joy in witnessing their success in life.
In 2016, Archbishop was promoted to the position of Bishop and Chief Apostle by Thomas Henry Jr. In September 2021, she was ceremonially installed as an Archbishop by the Worldwide Anglican Episcopal Communion & Ecumenical Ministry and was extended Eastern and Western Apostolic Successions. Archbishop acquired her education from multiple Seminaries and Bible Colleges, such as Cross Road Seminary and Jacksonville Theological Seminary. At present, she holds a Doctorate in Theology and Christian Counseling. As an anointed woman of God with a particular passion for women in ministry, Dr. Baylor provides leadership, teaching, and guidance to empower them spiritually. With her effective communication skills rooted in applying biblical teachings to everyday life experiences, she strongly believes that the Holy Spirit works through reading and preaching the word of God, effectively convincing and converting sinners while building up believers in holiness and comfort through faith for salvation.
In His Grace,
++Saundra Baylor
Co-Presiding Prelate Archbishop
United Ecumenical Communion of Christ
Dr. Saundra V. Baylor