The United Ecumenical Communion of Christ Seal

The Anglican Compass & Cross: The Anglican Compass & Cross symbolizes the spread of the Anglican Communion around the World. A Bishop’s mitre is placed on the top northern arrow of the compass emphasizing the centrality of the episcopate and apostolic order in the Anglican Communion.
The Cross in the Boat: (Top Left): The Cross in the Boat is the sign of Ecumenicalism. The church is portrayed as a boat afloat on the sea of the world with the mast in the form of a cross. This is an early Christian symbol of the Church carrying faith, unity, and the message of ecumenicalism all over the world.
The People Side by Side (Bottom Left): This symbol represent the people of God united and walking side by side in Jesus Christ.
The Chalice: (Bottom Left): The Chalice represents the communion between God and man, through and of the salvation incarnated in Jesus Christ.
The Bible (Bottom Right): The Bibles represents God’s Word as our rule and guide for life.
The Presiding Archbishop's Coat of Arms

The Mitre on top of the Divine Sword: The shape of the mitre represents the tongues of fire that rested on the heads of the disciples gathered in the upper room on the Day of Pentecost, when God sent His Holy Spirit to the Church. The two tassels, or ‘lappets with fringes’ that hang down from the back of the mitre represents, the old and the New Testament. The mitre aslo represents the bishops high authority in the Church. The Divine Sword is a symbol representing the power of God to fight the influences of evil and bring people to repentance, for it has “divine power to destroy strongholds.
The Pallium: A white woolen band with pendants in the front and back worn as a symbol of the Archbishops full episcopal authority. This presents the one lost, sick, or weak sheep that the Shepard goes out to seek for, after they have secured the 99 and places that one sheep around their neck, to brings it back into the fold.
The Lamb, the Cross and the Word: This represents Jesus Christ, which is the Lamb of God, that is the Word of God, that was sacrificed for the sins of the world.
The Praying Hands: This symbol represents the Archbishops strong belief in our need to always be in consistent prayer with the Lord.
The Golden Processional Cross, with two traversal bars: This represents the rank of the Archbishop, “inhaled” (vertically) behind the shield.
The Two Marital Rings: These two rings represent Christs marriage to the Church. This also represents the Archbishop’s belief in the holy sanctity of marriage and also his union to the holy catholic (universal) Church.
The Scroll “Recordatus Miei”: This is latin for “Remember Me”. This symbolizes to always remember what Jesus Christ did for us.
The Colors of Scarlet Red and Gold : The color Scarlet Red represents the blood of atonement that Jesus Christ shed for us. The color Gold represents the divinity, holiness and righteousness of Jesus Christ.